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Updated: Mar 31, 2020


by: Muhammad Aiman Roszaimi

How our daily plastic usage could pollute the ocean? Even we are just throw our rubbish(plastic) straight to waste center not the ocean? Are those “save the turtle” campaign is just a hoax? To fight this kind of skeptical thinking is not easy, we have to educate and provide people with good and understandable material.

The reality is 8 million of plastic was send to the ocean each year and the graph does’t show any signal to going down at all. The most intresting part about global plastic pollution is an analysis about Asia worst ocean polluters shows Malaysian are the biggest individual plastic consumers of plastic packaging, green group World Wildlife Federation report that China, Indonesia, Malaysia and Philipine combine contribute 60% of the estimated 8 million tonnes of plastic that enter the world earth oceans each year. How come Malaysia contribute so much in plastic pollution? This writing will list out 3 ways the ocean can be polluted: 3 WAYS -Beach/River activity- with lack of discipline and hygiene awareness, we may throw out our plastic straight to the river, and fun fact for you that river water will flow to the ocean -Dump site activity-develop state like Selangor has recorded a massive amount of waste produce per day(7 thousand tonnes), this may lead waste being in big mountain plastic waste piled and it could be easily woop away by extreme weaher -Microplastic/bead-this microscopic plastic from your daily usage may be blow away by wind or even bead in your toothpaste or body soap may cougulate and becoming larger plastic in the middle of ocean WHERE ARE WE We still far behind in terms being a sustainable or eco friendly country if we continually consume plastic like eating rice, according to Malaysia Roadmap Towards Zero Single-Use Plastics 2018-2030 there is few challenges before us such as lack of awareness, low of recyling rate, good enforcement and integrated waste management. The skeptical mindset about enviroment campaign or speeches is just a hoax or rumours is totally wrong, we need to change this and we need to start from our classroom. We need to focus on developing the “whole” person inclusive of humanity, creativity, imagination and ethics, those kind of values that is devoid in our STEM. We need to act as a one nations, there is no such thing importing plastic in any of our foreign policy anymore, that’s should be a big “NO”. Lets start with say no to straw and plastic. Saving turtles is real!! # this writing doesn't represent IRiSS perspectives #sustainabledevelopment #saveturtle #plastic #pollution #sdg #turtle #ocean #wildlife further reading:



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