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China: The Beginning of New Superpower

Updated: Mar 31, 2020

by: Nurin Kamaliza

In this era globalization had approving China as a major power in terms of their economic that play a good and important role among states both developed and developing states. In order to understand on how China being consistent progressive their development, the need of knowing the great event that happened which lead China to implement open door policy.

Before this China greatly recognized for being self-sufficient and practicing closed door trading where nationalistic culture.

From the historical it whereby China was believing on their potential to become great power country where the geography of Ancient China shaped the way the civilization and culture developed. The large land was isolated from much of the rest of the world by dry deserts to the north and west, the Pacific Ocean to the east, and impassable mountains to the south. This enabled the Chinese to develop independently from other world civilizations. This become one of the attraction from the Western Country for coming to China.

At that the greatest thing that happened in historical events whereby the existence of Silk Road that showing on toleration and cooperation relationships between Asian Country where the trading happened without the big power take as granted to conquer the developing and poor country but China was coming with the good intentions for welcoming have trading with them. In order for showing how China was welcoming outsiders for coming and enjoying the richness whereby Marco Polo and his father at first were travelers that voyages for explore the world.

They came to China whereby at that time Kublai Khan as the son of China’s ruler and they were spent 24 years working with Kublai Khan and its starting point whereby Marco Polo back to hometown with the gold and jewels. It’s become attention to all western people for going there and explore more and be rich. At that time were Black epic age for European but one of the person who feel encouragement was Columbus and explore there and want to seek proof by the Marco Polo’s story.

China were became isolated because the event of Opium War where by Eastern country want have trade relations with China but being rejected by Qing Emperor at that time which China have their own stand for being self-sufficient. At that time China economy was stabilize with the presence of good geographical area for agricultural activities such acquired a strain of quick rice and the plantation of maize, potatoes whereby as food supply for eastern Europe. Not only active in agricultural sectors, China also have granted the natural resources such as iron, tin that being demanding others states for industrial sectors. China also known as silk and high quality cotton producers made which become the solid reasons on eastern for getting closed with China.

The stubbornness of China for opening their trade which claimed by Britain, The Opium Wars happened where the poppy plant were planted in China without control because Chinese doctors were using it as medical treatment. But Britain was claimed that the poppy plant was producing Opium which is an addictive narcotic and led to British drug smuggling become active. The conflict happened whereby China had slightly mistake and undermining British’s equipment during at that time. Even though, it recognize as fall of China, the Chinese are not stay and being unmotivated but all of the being together and strengthen their strength to wake up from this unforgettable memories.

Open door policy was defined as equal treatment and opportunity for foreigners in accessing China’s resources. This benefited to outsider for getting special privileges in China’s territorial. Even though it was claiming about attraction of getting more traders from Eastern Country. But at that because of lose in Opium War, Britain was conquer and controlled most of China territorial.

From this beginning of China as big power, this become proof as in order for have stable economy power, the most important things is the need of have nationalist spirit in the citizens as the bold bonding for protecting nations from the outsiders which was the good Political Stability in nations is the main key. The arising of ideology communist at that time were became the reasons of unity of citizens and government. On the other sides of benefited of communist ideology was the separation powers and confidential political structures that not easily access by others for coming and doing rebellions.

In conclusions, the previous establishing of China was showing the positive development whereby the unity among their citizens were recognize by all the rulers from international arena.

Moreover China was practicing self-sufficient and nationalist culture but become questioning why China can have a good relationship with the Southeast Asia Nations by the presenting of Silk Route and its totally different that claiming by the Eastern country that stated that China was not practicing open door policy and from the historical only showing Eastern country are not coming for a good intentions for trading but they are coming for disrupting the Chinese economy and manipulating by exploiting all the natural resources that being demanding by all the nations.

# this writing does not represent IRiiSS perpective



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